77 Cedar Street, Cambridge, ON

Pet Grooming

Grooming Services Cambridge

IRENE LEECH, the owner of TOP HAT AND TAILS PROFESSIONAL GROOMING has been a groomer for over 25 years. She is joining our team here at Holliday Veterinary Hospital to provide top-notch grooming services by appointment.

Irene is a big supporter of the Cambridge Humane society and does free grooms for their new dogs when needed as well as helping with the National Service Dogs and Danes in Distress adoptions. Irene has been a client here at Holliday Vet Hospital for over 20 years and has a sincere love of dogs. Irene is looking forward to working with us and we are thankful for her willingness to bring her skill and experience to Galt. oHos

CAT GROOMING is still available at Holliday Veterinary Hospital by our Registered Veterinary Technicians for matt removals, cleanups and Lion-cuts. We offer safe sedation for those who need it.